Talking last week in the office about how you can't get some of Patrick Hamilton's novels even on Amazon Marketplace. Rob referred me to
Abe Books. There they were. Obviously it's a question of how much you want to pay. Ordered a few things on Thursday and this morning look what came! Delivered to my door for £12. I'm now waiting for Richard Hoggart's "The Uses Of Literacy". God, this is fun!
BookFinder is also rather good.
ReplyDeleteI found a book through them I'd been looking for forever, only to find it on my mother-in-law's bookshelf a week after it arrived.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, be prepared to be unindated with emails from them about all sorts of things.
A good service though.
A propos the subject line if nothing else, reason 33 being a 2 1/2 hour Crowded House webcast from somewhere in Bath. They sounded in fine Beatley form. But were you there?
ReplyDeleteBookmooch.com is an excellent site - list books you're happy to give away, get points for listing/having books mooched from you, mooch books from other people all over the world - you pay outgoing postage, but the postman brings you nice (and effectively free) books several times a week - bliss! I've found loads of books I'd never have been able to get hold of otherwise, and have also discovered new authors. Quite wonderful!