Friday, March 25, 2016

I went to see Batman v Superman. Here's my one-sentence review

I know nothing about comics but I've seen enough action films to know that two and a half hours in which you have not been made to feel: a few moments of genuine curiosity about what's going to happen; that familiar tightening in the pit of the stomach when the hero is about to encounter a danger we can see but he can't; the satisfying feeling when a puzzle planted early in the film is solved; the welcome expulsion of nervous laughter when the jeopardy turns out to be harmless and the growl of assent in the back of the throat when the baddie gets his just desserts, then it either means that the film maker has stumbled on a new way of doing things or he simply doesn't realise just how much he has failed to do.


  1. "....he simply doesn't realise just how much he has failed to do".

    Yep. I grew up on comics, from the Dandy and The Beano, Lion, Tiger, Sun, Comet and umpteen others, including Marvel and DC. Today's in-print versions leave me cold and the films might just as well have a stay-at-home sticker attached.

    I'm still waiting for "The Beano; Biffo Strikes Back".

  2. 138 words.

    One sentence.


  3. You are restrained compared to the rest of the press. I think "a stink bucket of disappointment" sums it up quite well:

  4. CJ & PK said:
    138 words.
    One sentence.

    I'm all for brevity and love cryptic, but this--no disrespect---has left me stranded.
