Thursday, April 25, 2013

A quick reader survey

People occasionally ask how they can subscribe to this blog. Since it's not something I do myself I'm not sure what to tell them. I've put the "posts" and "all comments" links above but I've not a clue whether they're any use to anybody. I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice.


  1. I've got your feed in my reader (I used to use Google Reader but have moved to The Old Reader now Google is axing its product) and tend to use it at weekends as part of 'catching up on the internet'.

    Having said which, I'm finding more and more often that I've read the pieces before I get to them in reader, via you sharing the link through Twitter (which is how I came here just now.)

    So, it's useful for me - and it doesn't eat anything to have feeds available - but they're better for when I want to catch-up than being instantly alerted when something's published,

  2. People may mean "subscribe by email", so they'd get any new posts emailed to them. To do this, there's a Blogger widget here. However, do note that this uses Google's Feedburner service, and there's widespread belief in the email marketing industry that this service may be withdrawn soon. If you want something more future proof, you might get someone to set you up with something like a Mailchimp list, using their RSS to email functionality.

  3. Dave, this link tells you how to set up RSS - that allows readers to subscribe and get updates sent to them.

  4. Myself I use RSS and Google Reader. The address to use for that is:

    Not sure if you're already doing it, but easiest way for many to follow the blog is probably if you link to new posts on facebook and twitter. If you have a programmer who can modify your blog this can also be done automatically whenever you post to the blog.

  5. I like the idea of giving people dog eared cardboard tickets which you stamp with a loud clicky date stamper and place in long filing trays. The sounds and smells of a squeaky wax floor would add to the ambience.

  6. I subscribe to your RSS feed, formerly through Google Reader but now through Feedly.

  7. I subscribe using Feedly:

    If people are asking "how do I subscribe?", I suspect they're not talking about RSS. If they're regular RSS users they'll know how to subscribe, and won't need the buttons you've added, and even if they are, the question is more likely to be "do you have a feed?".

    Otherwise, what Chris said. There's an official "follow by e-mail" gadget for blogger, but it'll stop working if Google close Feedburner as rumoured.

    Next time someone asks, ask them what they actually want.

  8. Afterthought: according to Feedly, 649 of their users are subscribed to your blog, so the feeds have definitely been of use.

  9. With reference to this address Jens Peter supplied,

    It only worked for me when I shortened it to:

    I use Reeder, but it never occurred to use a reader before as it's easy to access on my laptop, but it will be very useful on the iPhone, which also has a version of Reeder.

  10. I used to use Google Reader but since they announced their imminent closure I've moved with great success to feedly. I just copy a web address into it and follow. Sometimes I have to copy the RSS feed address in because the standard one doesn't work.

  11. If someone really does want their Hepworth Wisdom by email, there are services like -- they might not be around forever, but they'll do in the meantime.

    Me, I used to use Google Reader, and now I use

  12. I keep things simple;

    I have you on my follow list on Twitter and follow the link when you post a new blog.

  13. Add a "subscribe by email" as Chris recommended, also add a follow button, readers from Blogger and Google+ will receive updates of new posts and articles there. I follow you site through my Bloggers reading list, when you update to google+ I will receive you there also.
    Technology - "times are a changin"

  14. Thanks for all that. Apols to Adam Bowie whose comment my fat fingers accidentally deleted. Will not be working on the W9 again.

  15. I follow on's Reading List.

  16. I use the Opera browser, so it's trivially simple to click the orange icons above and have you seamlessly added to my internet experience.

    I'm not sure why anyone would use anything else.

  17. p.s. What's "the W9"?
