Saturday, December 03, 2011

What happens when Bruce Springsteen and Bob Seger stop

Bob Seger played Madison Square Garden this week and was joined on one number, appropriately enough "Old Time Rock & Roll", by Bruce Springsteen.

We were looking at the clip in the office yesterday. Kate Mossman was kicking herself that she hadn't seen through her plan to go to New York to see the show. Meanwhile Jude Rogers was getting very excited about the prospect of Springsteen's tour of Europe next year.

I don't think these two young woman were wrong to get excited about two old gits, people who had already made their names before they were even born. Though both performers are past their prime, when they're on stage they represent a vital link to the first two decades of rock and roll, an age that is fast disappearing over the brow of the hill in the rear view window.

That's why I would gently urge any interested young person to go and see Springsteen. (In fact I think a few of the old fans should step aside and make way.) When he stops doing what he does, nobody will be doing it at all.

 You can see the clip here.


  1. My theory is that Springsteen's righteous blue collar mojo has been holding back a major synth pop revival.

    Expect to see more Keytar apps and bands playing iPads on stage when he retires.

  2. Fantastic to see and hear these old rockers live doing what they do best. Great to see how they fed off each other and this translates to the crowd. Took my kids to see the Doobie Brothers who still put out so much positive energy and are probably better musicians than when I first saw them and they are now hooked, they realise these people were the actual bringers of change and value the chance to witness them perform.
