Wednesday, August 29, 2007

When in hole, stop digging

Here's a Miss Teen America contestant floundering badly while answering a question. I have some sympathy for her because she's so badly afflicted by nerves that she's just ploughing on with her sentence long after it has ceased to make sense. This is what broadcasting does to people. It explains why the key skill of a DJ is to be able to keep talking while thinking about something else entirely.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is very funny but painful to watch.

    I notice that the YouTubers have gone overboard with the "dumb blonde" and "dumb Americans" comments about this one, but like you, I also sympathise with her. Not everyone can handle the spotlight. I for one, would have been terrified at a similar age, and could well imagine myself making a similar pig's ear of it.
